Latest News

  • Singing for our charity of the year Marie Curie UK
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 20 Jul 2024
    Singing for our charity of the year Marie Curie UK
    This has be the third concert this year where we have been collecting for our charity of the year MARIE CURIE. 

    Our members have suggested different charities to support - each suggestion having a very personal story, and then we all voted for the charity of the year.

    Throughout the year we collect money through our concerts and appearances at different gigs. We love to support great causes.
  • Coaching Day
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 11 Jun 2024
    Coaching Day
    A couple of weekends ago we had a wonderful coaching day with the choir.

    we met for a cup of coffee at a leasurely time of 10am and then went into a brilliant session with voice coach Frances. We learned and practice about breath control, diction, voice production and sound blending. What a marvelous morning!

    Then, after a relaxed lunch in the sunshine, we continued the work with our MD Stuart Mittchell with singing exercises for tuning.
    Closing the 'work' part of the Coaching Day was a good sing-through of a number of our songs (we even entertained the walkers-by in the street because the sun was so gorgeous and we went outside).

    Of course the day was closed with a bewerage in a local hostillery
  • Fettes Police Station at 50
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 31 May 2024
    Fettes Police Station at 50
    Fettes Police Station turned 50 and Edinburgh Police Choir was part of the celebrations! It was a family-fun-day with vintage police cars and bikes and lots of activities for the children.

    We very much enjoyed being part of the fun! 
  • It's not all work!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 7 May 2024
    It's not all work!
    The first rehearsal after our successful concert was  a very relaxed and fun affair.

    A little bit of singing and lots of mingling and getting to know each other better. Yes, Altos can speak to Sopranos! And Tenors and Basses ....

    We also enjoyed plenty of delicious home made food!
  • WOW! What a concert!
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 22 Apr 2024
    WOW! What a concert!

    On Saturday we sang our charity concert at Craigsbank Church - and what an amazing evening it was! We are still on a high!

    The audience was bobbing along to the 80s-Medley and they were listening in silent awe at Shelagh and her cello playing.

    Several new singers had their 'debut' with EPC in this concert. Well done to them for catching up on our repertoire and we are so happy to have them with us.

    It was a beautiful and joyful evening for the audience as well as us.
  • Ready for our Charity Concert
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 8 Apr 2024
    Ready for our Charity Concert

    Sunday's rehearsal saw us working with a very entertaining stand-in conductor - Ian. Although our Musical Director Stuart Mitchell was on holiday we were working hard on our songs for the Charity Concert on 20th April - -  enjoying a great evening!
  • Getting our new songs off score
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 18 Mar 2024
    Getting our new songs off score
    Wow! What a fantastic rehearsal last night! We were absolutely buzzing afterwards..

    Our new songs are coming along brilliantly and we are working hard to sing off score now. 

    We learn our songs from sheet music and from the sing-overs our fabulous section leads produce for us. But in our concerts we always sing without sheet music. We love how we can engage with our audience so much more when we don't look at music scores. 
  • Planning our next concert
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 7 Mar 2024
    Planning our next concert
    We are busy planning our next concert on Saturday 20th April.

    this is a Charity Concert in aid of Craigbank Church,  who have hosted us for nearly a decade now, as well as Marie Curie who do such an important and amazing job.

    Rehearsals are going well and we will sing a number of new songs and arrangement at our concert. Whether you have heard us before or are a new audience member, there certainly will be something you'd love in our repertoire..

    Come and see us on  20th April at 7.30pm at Criagsbank Church! 
  • Reminiscing about a wonderful concert at St Michael's Linlithgow
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 19 Feb 2024
    Reminiscing about a wonderful concert at St Michael's Linlithgow
    We had such a great day at St Michael’s for this, back in December! (Just taken a final piece of tinsel out of the music for that day…)

    Massive well done to all of those involved in making this happen for a deserving cause & thanks to our choristers who played their part too!

    We would like to thank everyone who supported our Festival of Christmas Trees 2023. We are delighted to let you know that the weekend raised the amazing total of £9,559.23.
    The money raised has now been sent onto our chosen charity for 2023, Quiet Waters. What an amazing amount and this is all down to each and everyone of the groups that participated, so thank you very much.
  • Make You Feel My Love
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 13 Feb 2024
    Make You Feel My Love
    With Valentine's Day approaching we dug out one of the old favourite songs 'Make you feel my Love'. And we felt it of course  - we were all enjoying the song during rehearsal and we will perform it this Sunday at our Mini-Concert.
  • New Singers are learning the songs
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 4 Feb 2024
    New Singers are learning the songs
    A number of our visitors from the open reheasal night in January have now joined the choir and are enjoying the singing. They are learning new songs together with everybody else and are also catching up on some of our repertoire songs. It is lovely to have their voices amongst us!

    We are now looking forward to singing for some older folks (pssst! can't say more, because it is a surprise!). And we are planing our concert in lovely Craigsbank Church - our reheasal venue - but more on that later.
  • We are off to a great start into 2024!
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 14 Jan 2024
    We are off to a great start into 2024!
    We have had our first rehearsal of 2024 and put the Christmas songs aside. New songs to learn are always exciting and we would like to welcome more singers to join us! Open rehearsal night is on Sunday 21st January. Come and join us for a rehearsal, get to know us and how me sound and work on our songs. We are a friendly bunch - and you don't need a police connection to join.

    Please email for more details.

    See you soon ?
  • Merry Christmas Everyone -Christmas 2020 Virtual Fundraising Performance
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 8 Dec 2020

    Christmas is usually a very busy time of year for EPC, with numerous festive performances in our diary. One of our regular Yuletide appearances is on the steps of The Dome on George Street, Edinburgh, where we gather to sing some carols and other Christmas tunes and shake some buckets to raise money for Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (ECHC).

    The COVID 19 pandemic means we are unable to do this in 2020, but ECHC approached us and asked if we would consider putting together a virus friendly virtual performance instead and we couldn't say no.

    So the tinsel, fairy lights, antlers, santa hats and Christmas jumpers came out of storage and we once more grappled with recording technology and the strange feeling of singing alone to produce a virtual version of Merry Christmas Everyone. This song, made famous by Shakin Stevens, was the Christmas number one of 1985, entered our festive repertoire last year and is fast becoming one of our favourites. The arrangement is by our Musical Director, Michael Longden and his expert sleigh bell jungling can also be heard on the track.

    Seasons greetings to all and here's hoping that by Christmas 2021 we are back on the steps of The Dome. In the meantime, if you can, please throw a few coins in this year's virtual bucket at

    Merry Christmas Everyone.

    YouTube Video URL:
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