Type of post: | Choir news item |
Posted By: | Dom Mnich |
Status: | Current |
Date Posted: | Tue, 8 Dec 2020 |
Christmas is usually a very busy time of year for EPC, with numerous festive performances in our diary. One of our regular Yuletide appearances is on the steps of The Dome on George Street, Edinburgh, where we gather to sing some carols and other Christmas tunes and shake some buckets to raise money for Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (ECHC).
The COVID 19 pandemic means we are unable to do this in 2020, but ECHC approached us and asked if we would consider putting together a virus friendly virtual performance instead and we couldn't say no.
So the tinsel, fairy lights, antlers, santa hats and Christmas jumpers came out of storage and we once more grappled with recording technology and the strange feeling of singing alone to produce a virtual version of Merry Christmas Everyone. This song, made famous by Shakin Stevens, was the Christmas number one of 1985, entered our festive repertoire last year and is fast becoming one of our favourites. The arrangement is by our Musical Director, Michael Longden and his expert sleigh bell jungling can also be heard on the track.
Seasons greetings to all and here's hoping that by Christmas 2021 we are back on the steps of The Dome. In the meantime, if you can, please throw a few coins in this year's virtual bucket at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/edinburgh-police-choir
Merry Christmas Everyone.